
Want to start? Are you ready?

Want to start? Are you ready?

Do you want to make a change but you don’t know where to start? Have a read and work out what stage are you on? Working out your starting point will help you know what your next steps need to be.


If you don’t exercise and eat healthily and have no intention of starting, you are in the ‘pre-contemplation’ stage.

I won’t spend much time discussing this because if you’re reading this then you’ll at least be on the ‘contemplation’ stage (well done).

However if you are in this stage, it is time to start considering making some changes to your lifestyle. With over one third of adults in this country being obese, the time to do something about it is now. Hopefully reading this will start to get you thinking so let’s get you onto the next stage…


If you are beginning to recognise how important exercise and a good diet is, you are in the contemplation stage.

You won’t have actually done anything about it yet but you are one step closer – that can only be a good thing. It is vital at this stage not to let yourself slip back into ‘pre-contemplation’.

Often people will toy with the idea of making changes and ‘getting into shape’ only to dismiss it as unachievable.

The fear of failure is one of the main reasons for not getting past this stage. Don’t let fear stop you.

I guarantee there will be people out there who are less fit and more overweight than you. They can do it and so can you.


Right, this is more like it. this is the stage where you take the steps from thinking about it to actually doing it.

Possibly one of the scariest stages for anyone wanting to get fit and healthy. There are lots of decisions to make and so much confusion out there – “Where do I start?”, “What exercises shall I do?”, “What do I need to eat?”

If you feel like this, then it is exactly what I am here for. Try my free 5 day challenge which is designed to get you started. (Just sign up by clicking HERE) If you enjoy it then we can move you onto my 8 week Kickstart programme afterwards…which takes all the stress out of getting into shape.

If that is still a step too far, then just take a bit of time reading some of my other blog posts – they are all designed to take the guess work out of exercise and diet.  Or have a little look at the stories from my fabulous ladies – full of advice, they are all written by women like you.


So you’ve been brave, taken the plunge and started.

Amazingly, this is often one of the easiest stages. It’s exciting!

You’ve overcome your nerves and doubts and you are actually doing something positive. You will probably feeling pretty proud of yourself at this point and quite rightly so.

Just be a little careful at this point. It is very easy to become carried away and start to make unrealistic goals. Try to resist the temptation to overhaul all areas of your life at once. Whilst in some ways this is great – embrace the enthusiasm – you do run the risk of burning yourself out and falling into the ‘all or nothing’ trap.

Build up your new routine slowly and safely and once it gets a little easier, then increase the duration and intensity. Remember if you try to do too much too soon then you are much more likely to give up when you realise you can’t keep it up.

If you feel like you need help with this, get yourself signed up to my 8 week kickstart programme – it is designed to get your diet and exercise sorted by making changing and building it up slowly and safely. Click here for more info!


If you have kept up your new routine for a couple of months, congratulations you’ve moved from ‘action’ into maintenance. Well done!

Now, however, comes the hard part. This is generally the point at which your new found enthusiasm for exercise begins to dip.

It’s no longer exciting and it’s begun to feel harder to get yourself into your workout kit. The realisation begins to set in that it’s not just a quick fix and if you want to stay healthy you are going to have to maintain it….forever more!

It’s a pretty daunting prospect. Just keep going! Don’t give up at this stage when you’ve come so far.  If you’re starting to get bored, mix it up. Add something new to your routine. If your fitness and weight loss begins to plateau or slow down you need to keep increasing the intensity and surprising your body with something new.

This is why I have designed my 8 week Kickstart programme. The 8 weeks are perfect for creating healthy habits. Every exercise session is different and you’ve got loads of recipes to try. By the time 8 weeks is up, you’ll be feeling fabulous and won’t look back. Plus, I don’t just abandon you after the 8 weeks, there are various options to keep you going and on track.


This is called ‘relapse’. At some point, whether it is in a few weeks, a few months or a few years you may well find yourself in this stage.

If you find yourself here you are definitely not alone. This is the stage where you have a bad day and can’t face exercise for whatever reason and before you know it the day has turned into a week and then a month.

However long your relapse has lasted, don’t despair, don’t give up, just get back on it!

If you find yourself here, the best thing you can do is get some support and help. I am here for you if you need me. Together we will get you moving again and back on track. The only thing that matters is that you don’t let yourself slip into the next stage…


NNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! This is called the ‘termination stage’. Don’t let yourself get to this stage. Ever. This is basically where you give up altogether.

If this has happened to you, either now or in the past, don’t let it stay this way. Instead use it as a learning experience.

Why have you stopped exercising? Were your goals unrealistic? Did you become injured? Did you simply become bored and demotivated?

If you can pinpoint the main reason then there are always ways to overcome it. Try a new class, enlist the help of a friend, take up a sport, the possibilities are endless. Keep trying. Don’t let yourself stay in this stage forever more. Get back on it!