Super smoothies!


These are one of the most effective ways of getting a hit of nutrients at once. If you struggle to get your five a day then this recipe is for you!

Smoothies are generally better for you than juicing as they retain the fibre from the whole fruit. This slows down the rate it is digested and absorbed into your body so it will keep you fuller for longer and release a slow steady stream of energy.

Try to avoid having all fruit smoothies. Although they taste lovely and are still good for you, they will contain a lot of natural sugars. Add in a couple of portions of vegetables and it’ll still taste delicious without causing an overload of sugar in your system.  You may need to build up the number of veggies you have slowly if you find the taste too bitter. Stick with it though and gradually add in more as your taste buds get used to it.

A smoothie in the morning is the best way to start the day. You can literally feel the health going into your body. Plus, start the day well and you are more likely to keep it up.

The calorie content of a smoothie is generally the same as a small meal so you don’t need to have any other food in addition to it!

Top tips:

  • Buy frozen fruit and vegetables- they don’t go off, you can use it straight from the freezer and it is already prepared so you just have to throw it in!  Great for saving time and money.
  • Make a large batch at once. It can be a bit of a pain making a smoothie each morning so make your life easier by whipping up a several at once. Do it at the weekend for the following week and then just store them in the freezer. Freezing keeps the nutrients locked in and you only need to take one out the night before ready for the morning. Have it there ready for you when you wake up and it is much more likely to become part of your morning routine.
  • Invest in a decent blender. A blender that whizzes up the fruit and veg in seconds and is easy to clean and use saves so much time.

Ingredients – all are optional and you can mix and match. I haven’t given you a particular recipe on purpose. Enjoy experimenting and even when you’ve found your favourite combination, mix it up as much as possible so you get a range of vitamins and minerals each day.

Fruits to try:

  • Berries of any kind: all berries contain antioxidants and high levels of vitamins and minerals.
  • Mango: makes the smoothie a bit sweeter as well as being full of vitamin C & A
  • Bananas: a fab source of potassium and fibre as well as aiding digestion. Plus, they will make your smoothie lovely and creamy and naturally sweet

Try using a mixture of berries, mango from the freezer and then add bananas as a base. After that, just chuck in whatever fruit you have to hand! All fruit contains vitamins and minerals so you can’t go wrong! Try apples, nectarines, peaches, plums…the list is endless!

Veggies to add in:

The more vegetables, the better and the less likely you’ll be putting too much sugar into your system at once.

  • Spinach – keep in freezer and add in a handful. You can’t taste it and it adds iron as well as having high levels of chlorophyll and carotenoids that help protect against certain cancers.
  • Kale – again keep in the freezer and just pop a handful into your smoothie. You can’t taste it and it is one on the most nutritionally dense vegetables out there. The list of benefits is endless. Only adding one veg? Make it kale!
  • Avocado- a source of healthy fats, which will quite literally make you, glow. It makes your smoothie lovely and creamy.

Again, feel free to add in whatever veg you want – spinach, kale and avocado are my favourites as they have so many healthy benefits and they don’t affect the taste too much.

Additional bonus ingredients:

  • Oats – an excellent source of B vitamins and will help your smoothie keep you fuller for longer as they slow down the rate of digestion.
  • Flaxseed – just add a spoonful to get added omega 3’s, which help protect your heart.
  • Maca powder – this amazing powder helps to balance hormone levels and is great for energy levels and stamina.
  • Hemp protein powder – this natural plant based powder contains lots of protein which will keep you full up, aid muscle recovery and helps energy levels.
  • Raw cacao powder – full of antioxidants and will make your smoothie seem as indulgent as a chocolate milkshake!
  • Nut butter – these are delicious, full of protein and add a nutty creaminess to the smoothie. Only use a tablespoon at the most as they are high in calories.

Enjoy experimenting and love the feeling you get each morning when you know you are starting the day in the best possible way!